Snapdragon Annual Springtime Flowers

Lawn Garden Design experts present our annual springtime flower. Snapdragons get their name from the dragon-shaped flower which, when pinched properly, will open and snap shut.


Snapdragons are an annual plant which grows best in cool weather with full sun exposure in humus rich soil. They are popular for lawn garden design projects and are often incorporated into Reno landscaping projects. These flowers grow and are indigenous to the Mediterranean region, specifically originating in Spain and Italy and can be one of the first early springtime annuals that you plant. They are hardy plants that are resistant to frost. As with any annual plant, Snapdragons require appropriate watering. During the first couple of weeks, they will require continuous moisture. Once established, Snapdragons usually require about 1 inch of water per week. Snapdragons make a wonderful indoor arrangement as well due to their obvious array of color, but also their fragrance.

They range in sizes including the following options:

Dwarf Snapdragons

Dwarf Snapdragons can measure from 6 inches to up to 15 inches tall. These dwarfs make for a great arrangement in flowering window baskets and even can be used as a type of ground cover small planter areas throughout your yard. Though this smaller version of the Snapdragon presents all the typical colors of the Snapdragon, it does produce a unique color all its own. It is known as the "Princess White with Purple Eye." The beautiful dwarf flower blooms an exotic white flower with a reddish-purple spot. Though this "Princess" is considered a dwarf, it can grow up to 24 inches tall.

Intermediate sized Snapdragon hybrids

These can reach heights between 15 inches and 30 inches tall. This size makes for a great border or bedding plant. One of the most beautiful intermediate hybrids is the "Black Prince". This Snapdragon hybrid boasts an eye-popping deep crimson color. Plant this stunning color in your yard and you'll be thrilled throughout the year.

The tall Snapdragon varieties

These can range from 30 inches in height all the way up to 48 inches in height. Due to their height, the tall Snapdragons may require staking and should be planted at least a foot apart from each other.Snapdragons are a wonderful addition to any Reno landscaping design. They come in a variety of colors and sizes and have a wonderful fragrance.

Visit us next week as we look at home gardening tips and how to grow pansies. Interested in incorporating these flowers into your Reno landscaping design? Call our Reno landscaping team at 775.406.0065 for more information on garden lawn designs or landscaping services.

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As one of Northern Nevada’s leading landscape companies, Antonucci Lawn & Garden offers fresh ideas and quality craftsmanship to improve outdoor living. Since 2009, Antonucci has been focused on enhancing beautiful landscaping. Whether starting from scratch or renovating an existing backyard, our knowledgeable staff and certified team of contractors will explain everything you need to build your perfect outdoor retreat.


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